Stop Looking for Your Purpose in Life

Purpose is the reason you journey. Passion is the fire that lights your way.

It’s funny how we automatically assume that we need to search high and low to find what our purpose in life is.
For as long as I can remember, I knew that I had a greater purpose in life that was bigger than me, something I could not even imagine in my wildest dreams. Though I thought I was in control and knew everything, I was quickly humbled by this journey.

I always thought my passion was my purpose.  Before realizing just how confused I was; so much time, energy and effort had been wasted; trying to turn my passion into my purpose. At one point I became exhausted, I was tired of “trying” to figure it out. Tired of trying to make a square fit into a circle. No matter how hard I tried it wasn’t going to fit, because they are not the same.

That’s when I had my aha moment. I spend most of my day serving others. Whether in my personal or professional life, one thing was constant; I had always been a servant leader. From being the “go to” person for advice on life or a quick how to from a corporate perspective, I noticed  that I was happiest helping those who needed it most.

I loved seeing people’s eyes light up when they became unstuck. That moment of liberation was powerful and impacting on both sides. It was the paradigm shift I needed and served as confirmation that my purpose was to serve the people who needed ME. I understood that may not be everyone on the planet, but I could no longer play small if I desired to serve on a greater, more direct level to reach those in their darkest hour.

So, stop looking for your purpose, it’s already within you. Listen to your inner voice, that calling that’s been tapping you on the shoulder, that thing  you can’t seem to shake. Don’t over complicate it by trying to make it exactly what you want it to be. Look within yourself and let it flow naturally. Forcing it won’t help, you’ll only cheapen it and lessen the impact. It’s bigger than you or any of your dreams. Serve from your overflow and empty yourself in a place where you can be fulfilled in return.

My journey is not meant for me, it’s meant for the lives I influence.                     – Tequila Myers

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