Social Media Networking and the Unspoken Code of Etiquette.

Since the inception of the World Wide Web many of us have considered our world connected. Initially it was e-mail, chat rooms, instant messenger, and other platforms that allowed people to stay connected with their friends, family, and loved ones. Social media has taken the whole idea of being connected to another level both personally and professionally. Primarily used in business for networking and marketing, it is also used as a feedback tool to improve customer service and policies. They are able to take advantage of mass-exposure, advertising, and marketing that is so simple and affordable anyone can do it with very little money or experience. Seasoned business owners can grow and expand their business as well as their contact with customers; and new entrepreneurs can start a business and establish a customer-base just the same.

In today’s social space visibility is a big factor, in fact some would say it’s the determining factor. I’ve seen emerging brands go from local to global within a matter of a few years. This is because they strategically built their brands by leveraging their brands voice on social media. Being present, engaging with your audience is key to a thriving business

Social media was intentionally designed to allow us to connect in ways we never have before. With little but consistent efforts one can increase their number of contacts in a very short period of time.  I would’ve never imagined growing up (in the evolving technical age) that I would be able to reach out to and get a glimpse into the everyday lives of the people I watched on television and read about in magazines. Not only that, with the inception of smartphones and tablets it’s literally available at our fingertips 24/7, which is both good and bad. One of the unfortunate effects of social media is that we are moving into a generation that will have difficulty establishing a traditional face to face human interaction as virtual connections are becoming the norm. Today’s younger generation is not limited by some of the barriers their parents faced, as they consider the world to be completely connected by the fabric of social media.

While it has it’s pros, there are also cons in being in a state of constant connection via social media. It inhibits social development, can be highly addictive, and it can also be easily manipulated and used for purposes in which it was not intended ( i.e. bullying, stalking, under age solicitation, etc).  Users also misunderstand the ways it can be used against them in a court of law. One of the most popular social media sites Facebook encourages users to share what’s on their mind. This can be good and bad. There are definitely benefits in sharing, however it can be easy to share too much with the pressures of our peers and the subconscious comparison within social communities. When expressing yourself on social media do you consider what you are sharing, with the understanding that even if deleted, it could still come back to haunt you?

Check out the video above discussing the pros and cons of social media and how sharing too much can have an impact on employability and your social presence as a whole.

social media interactions

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