Do You Believe That You Are Enough?

This video is a clear presentation of why I love conferences. They ignite something within you that give you the power and energy to make a change in your life. I remember going to a workshop earlier this year and each of the participants were asked why they weren’t doing what they desired in their lives. 90% of the participants said they felt like they weren’t enough. Although the speaker Jarrod Wilkins is at a network marketing conference he is speaking directly to the topic I am talking about today.

You alone are enough, you have nothing to prove to anybody.
-Maya Angelo
I’ve always known that I wanted to empower women and mentor young people.
I struggled internally for a long time with wondering if I was enough. Whether I had enough life experience or if I was influential enough to impact someone else’s life. While giving some serious thought to what I considered to be a lack of, I realized that I already had everything I needed. I was enough in every area and by thinking that I wasn’t, I fed myself this negative chatter daily until I believed it.
So, how exactly do you know that you are enough? Well, because we were all born with a purpose.
Something that was preordained as your destiny before entering this world. That alone makes you enough. There is nothing that anyone can give you or that you can buy to make you enough. Not those red bottom shoes, fancy handbags, not even those nice designer jeans that make you feel sexy. You already have it! They simply give the illusion of a well dressed and well put together individual, when most of the time we are broken, hurting, and a complete mess internally. Often times we try to overcompensate in areas where we feel we are lacking; that’s human nature. It only becomes a problem when we allow it to hold us back from fulfilling our true life’s purpose.

We somehow forget all the tools and knowledge we have gained over our lives as a result of the
experiences God has allowed us to have. We experience certain things at specific times
during our lives to help us grow and develop our character. To help us understand ourselves and the world a little better. When facing adversity it can be easy to only see the difficult challenge ahead, versus seeing the potential life lesson included. We exude our greatest strength when facing our most difficult situations. This is when we truly flex our muscles like the Incredible Hulk. However, somehow we only see this challenging moment in our lives as the worst thing we could ever possibly endure, without realizing that we are simply training our strength and character for the game of life.

It’s not often that we look back on those experiences or even as we are going through them to see how we tap into our hidden strengths and survival skills to overcome our struggles. We forget that during the struggle we had to do a few things different to get to the other side. That we had to learn and apply new things and that alone may have been the most difficult part. But we made it through the storm. Having come through any storm in your life and being able to share it with someone else to help them get to the other side or to know that it is even possible to get there is what makes you enough. So instead of focusing your lens narrowly on the negative aspect of adversity, refocus to allow yourself to see a wider view and look at the bigger picture to apply what you’ve learned in the lesson to make the next challenge that much easier.

Remember, YOU are enough! You were born with it and no one on this earth gave you that gift, so they cannot take it. You’ve overcome the obstacles in your life and earned the necessary tools and strength needed to make it through even the most difficult and enduring times.

Think it, believe it, expect it, manifest it daily.

Before you can convince anyone else, you must convince yourself.

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IS Perception Reality?


Isn’t it crazy how we swore by so many things as kids? I remember saying I would never do this, I would never say that. It’s funny how we see life through such a narrowed lens during our childhood. So much so, that at age 7 we can guarantee you that we don’t eat onions today and never will. Little do we know that our experiences and the perception of them will later expand that lens and turn our world upside down. Those experiences expose us to things which allows us to create ideas and mental pictures to get a better understanding. That exposure leads to learning new things and revealing the different layers of ourselves.

Perception is pretty important also, in fact it is all about perception, your perception. We perceive through our senses which each play a vital role in how we experience the world around us. The way you visualize the experience and the way you compare it to your past experiences. How it makes you feel; good, bad, happy, or sad. Whatever emotion you feel, its compared to your past experiences and has the potential to influence you. Influence is powerful. Why? Because it has the power to affect you in a way that will make you change your life. Like a gentle force, and in some cases not so gentle, influence is almost like a persistent nudge with intent to cause an internal reaction. Our experiences, our perception and the influence it has over our lives is very important in how we view the world and ourselves.

I remember in junior high school, I really wanted to be artistic. I would spend hours sketching and doodling all over my school notebooks, whether it was bubble letters or drawing people with big heads and lashes. Then in high school I chose art as an elective to try to learn how to paint. In my eyes I just couldn’t do it right. It never looked like I wanted it to, like everyone else’s. It was like I had created a mental block as a result of telling myself I couldn’t do this art thing for so long. I wasn’t good enough. Finally, I let go and moved on. I told myself I just wasn’t the artsy type. This went on for years. Then one day I about 4 years ago I saw a simple hand-painted canvas.

Something in me said that looks fun and easy. If they (meaning whoever painted the canvas) could do it, then so can I. That was it, all it took for me to realize that all this time I had been telling myself I couldn’t do it. That weekend I went to the craft store purchased some paint, brushes, and a canvas. I already had an idea of what I wanted to paint and that was all she wrote. Now days I paint frequently and it is one of my go to hobbies for relaxation; as it is very calming for me. In fact, today I have several of my paintings hanging on the walls in my home. After all that time, and now knowing I had this amazing talent inside me it feels good to see my very own paintings suspended in the air for all of my visitors to see. My life experiences allowed me to grow and change my perception of myself in a way that influenced me to defeat my challenges. Like onions, we too have layers that need to be peeled back even when it makes our eyes burn.

How have you peeled back the layers in your life to expose what was hidden within you?

Check out a few of my creations.

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Stop Looking for Your Purpose in Life

Purpose is the reason you journey. Passion is the fire that lights your way.

It’s funny how we automatically assume that we need to search high and low to find what our purpose in life is.
For as long as I can remember, I knew that I had a greater purpose in life that was bigger than me, something I could not even imagine in my wildest dreams. Though I thought I was in control and knew everything, I was quickly humbled by this journey.

I always thought my passion was my purpose.  Before realizing just how confused I was; so much time, energy and effort had been wasted; trying to turn my passion into my purpose. At one point I became exhausted, I was tired of “trying” to figure it out. Tired of trying to make a square fit into a circle. No matter how hard I tried it wasn’t going to fit, because they are not the same.

That’s when I had my aha moment. I spend most of my day serving others. Whether in my personal or professional life, one thing was constant; I had always been a servant leader. From being the “go to” person for advice on life or a quick how to from a corporate perspective, I noticed  that I was happiest helping those who needed it most.

I loved seeing people’s eyes light up when they became unstuck. That moment of liberation was powerful and impacting on both sides. It was the paradigm shift I needed and served as confirmation that my purpose was to serve the people who needed ME. I understood that may not be everyone on the planet, but I could no longer play small if I desired to serve on a greater, more direct level to reach those in their darkest hour.

So, stop looking for your purpose, it’s already within you. Listen to your inner voice, that calling that’s been tapping you on the shoulder, that thing  you can’t seem to shake. Don’t over complicate it by trying to make it exactly what you want it to be. Look within yourself and let it flow naturally. Forcing it won’t help, you’ll only cheapen it and lessen the impact. It’s bigger than you or any of your dreams. Serve from your overflow and empty yourself in a place where you can be fulfilled in return.

My journey is not meant for me, it’s meant for the lives I influence.                     – Tequila Myers

Check out my YouTube channel for more inspiring words to motivate you to live your best life.

Subscribe to the Sunshine and Rain blog (click the follow button) to join our community and get information on the latest blog posts and updates.

How to Become a More Compelling Public Speaker.

I’m sure we’ve all heard the famous quote, “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it”.

Have you ever wondered how certain people can say something very plain yet make it sound interesting and exciting? How about the indescribable energy or feeling you get after leaving a conference or lecture hall?

These speakers have a certain “je ne sais quoi” that allows them to deliver their message in a way that has a powerful impact on their audience.
Speakers don’t just talk, there’s a lot of background work that goes into standing on stage delivering a message; such as proper breathing and posture. If you’ve ever had any formal vocal training then you are familiar with the techniques to help with breath control.
These techniques are used by singers and speakers alike for an intended effect, to capture the audience’s attention and have them feel as well as hear the message. The video above is a great demonstration of how a speaker commands attention with controlled breathing and inflection.

Now, this won’t come natural; as our normal breathing is set to auto-pilot. It’s a process of training yourself which requires frequent practice. I encourage you to try the breath control techniques below with a partner or using a recording device such as your smartphone to hear the difference in speaking normally vs speaking using controlled breathing. It shouldn’t be uncomfortable or hurt, however you should feel the difference. Having good posture also helps, because it gives the necessary support to the muscles in your (larnyx) voice box which effects the quality of your voice.

You will be surprised at how your inflection changes when you control your breathing. Rich, deep, and impacting are a few words used to describe the difference.
Below are a few exercises to help with breath control to help deliver an impacting and powerful message.

1. Practice deep breathing: inhaling quickly and exhaling slowly.

2. Practice speaking on the breath.
Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly while saying, “Hello, my name is [your name]”.

3. Don’t forget about posture.
Find your Power Position (a comfortable position that projects authority and self assurance).
Stand confidently with your feet shoulder width apart, chin up, align your back and shoulders, make eye contact with your audience and smile. (Don’t over think it).

Use these tips to deliver a richer, confident, more resonant message to your audience in your next presentation.

Cheers to seeing you on stage!

Social Media Networking and the Unspoken Code of Etiquette.

Since the inception of the World Wide Web many of us have considered our world connected. Initially it was e-mail, chat rooms, instant messenger, and other platforms that allowed people to stay connected with their friends, family, and loved ones. Social media has taken the whole idea of being connected to another level both personally and professionally. Primarily used in business for networking and marketing, it is also used as a feedback tool to improve customer service and policies. They are able to take advantage of mass-exposure, advertising, and marketing that is so simple and affordable anyone can do it with very little money or experience. Seasoned business owners can grow and expand their business as well as their contact with customers; and new entrepreneurs can start a business and establish a customer-base just the same.

In today’s social space visibility is a big factor, in fact some would say it’s the determining factor. I’ve seen emerging brands go from local to global within a matter of a few years. This is because they strategically built their brands by leveraging their brands voice on social media. Being present, engaging with your audience is key to a thriving business

Social media was intentionally designed to allow us to connect in ways we never have before. With little but consistent efforts one can increase their number of contacts in a very short period of time.  I would’ve never imagined growing up (in the evolving technical age) that I would be able to reach out to and get a glimpse into the everyday lives of the people I watched on television and read about in magazines. Not only that, with the inception of smartphones and tablets it’s literally available at our fingertips 24/7, which is both good and bad. One of the unfortunate effects of social media is that we are moving into a generation that will have difficulty establishing a traditional face to face human interaction as virtual connections are becoming the norm. Today’s younger generation is not limited by some of the barriers their parents faced, as they consider the world to be completely connected by the fabric of social media.

While it has it’s pros, there are also cons in being in a state of constant connection via social media. It inhibits social development, can be highly addictive, and it can also be easily manipulated and used for purposes in which it was not intended ( i.e. bullying, stalking, under age solicitation, etc).  Users also misunderstand the ways it can be used against them in a court of law. One of the most popular social media sites Facebook encourages users to share what’s on their mind. This can be good and bad. There are definitely benefits in sharing, however it can be easy to share too much with the pressures of our peers and the subconscious comparison within social communities. When expressing yourself on social media do you consider what you are sharing, with the understanding that even if deleted, it could still come back to haunt you?

Check out the video above discussing the pros and cons of social media and how sharing too much can have an impact on employability and your social presence as a whole.

social media interactions

Bye Bye Comfort Zone….

Being in a comfortable space can feel like the best place on earth. It’s a place where we feel at home and have a sense of security, so we let our defenses down and enjoy being settled in comfort. Often times we have tunnel vision and become oblivious to what’s going on the world around us. That is because we are taught that being comfortable is good. That being comfortable is safe. However, we weren’t taught that being safe and comfortable can stop us from taking risks and keep us from being our greatest self. Not to say that being comfortable is bad, but being UNcomfortable usually rewards us with great experiences and life lessons.

I like most of you had found my comfort zone, brought all my things, and moved in for life, or so I thought. Although I had the desire to do more I was completely comfortable in the space I was in. I hadn’t achieved all the goals I had set for myself but, I had done enough to be comfortable. From doing volunteer work with the homeless every now and then, hosting food drives, sponsoring tables at local events, and donating items yearly. However, I wanted to do more, I wanted to work with people directly and speak to their souls to empower them from within. Yet, that wasn’t something I was comfortable with and because of that I didn’t want to take the risk in doing it. See, I’ve never been a risk taker, scaredy cat was more befitting, LOL. Anyhow, that was growing old. I saw it as a hindrance and it was beginning to make me UNcomfortable. After living there for so long, I wasn’t sure how I would ever be able to pack up all the things I collected over the years feeling comfortable and move out of that comfort zone, because it was no longer that for me.

I vowed to change that immediately and it seemed like the very moment I made that promise to myself there was a vacancy in the “UNcomfortable zone”. In my forethoughts I imagined it to be an unlivable place, like a cheap, smelly, motel (so dramatic right, lol). As I was sitting there, at the table attending a women’s empowerment conference, getting poured into by an amazing panel of speakers, I said to myself today is the day. I took every opportunity to walk up to these people many of whom I never saw before, greeting them with my first and last name, extending my hand. I thanked them for sharing their experiences and spoke about the power in sharing. As I stood there talking to these complete strangers, exchanging information, discussing the conference and future projects, I realized I had taken up residence in the uncomfortable zone, and the freedom I gained made this space feel like a spa compared to what I used to consider as my comfort zone. It was that easy. As simple as letting go, shifting my mindset, and deciding to just LIVE and BE PRESENT in the moment. It was the first time in a long while where I stepped outside of my familiar self and life rewarded me with an indescribable experience. Don’t be bound by the feeling of comfort, being open to give and receive is all you need.

When will you decide to step out of your comfort zone?

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FREE: 7 Tips to Elevate Your Business by Owning YOUR time!

7 tips to elevate your business

Hello and congratulations for making the choice to elevate your life or your business by owning YOUR time!

We are currently creating a new website experience for Perpetual Growth Institute, however our Sunshine and Rain blog is still available for viewing. To thank you for your patience while awaiting our new look and feel, I encourage you to check out these 7 Tips, which can be applied to your business or your personal life. We discuss the importance of structure, time management, and organization to help you OWN your time in a more productive way.

I know we all struggle with trying to manage our time to work effectively for us, while wearing the many hats we wear on a daily basis as moms, wives, career professionals, and entrepreneurs. That is why I created this e-manual.

If you have any questions or would like to connect with us, please e-mail:

Wishing you Peace, Love, Prosperity, and Greatness,

Tequila Myers, CEO of Perpetual Growth Institute

How interactions impact and enrich our lives

Now that you’ve read my bio and know a little more about me, let me tell you why I started to blog. I think we can all agree that learning can be fun, at least when we are learning about something that peaks our interest. Often times, we learn from watching someone else. You have your way, I have my way, and we all think our way is the best way. Whether it’s learning from my interactions with others by sharing experiences, reading books and magazines, watching a video, or doing research online, I love learning new things.

I recently watched about 15 YouTube videos trying to figure out how to remove a virus from my computer. It was a nightmare, but that’s another blog for another day. Want to know how I fixed it? I posted a question to a video and one of the users commented with the instructions on how to remove the virus properly. This made me feel so good, being able to fix my own computer without having to take it in to someone and pay X amount of dollars. Yes, the latter would’ve been easy and convenient, but I felt empowered knowing I did it myself.

So, in saying that, learning through interaction can be fun (if the subject fits your interest) and during this time in my life I’m enjoying the process of learning by interacting with others. As a result of technology and social media we are now able to interact in ways we never could before. There is a lot in interaction that goes unnoticed. When interacting with someone there are several exchanges that take place. Both parties are sending, decoding, and encoding, meaning both parties are absorbing information; and in most cases providing feedback.  In-person interactions have an even greater advantage as you are able to do more than communicate verbally, you can also communicate visually. Now you have the visual and verbal experience vs a limited verbal exchange. The bottom line is, interaction enriches our lives and allows us to learn from one another.

Cheers to my first interaction with you and many more to come.